* The following By-Laws do not yet reflect the results of any changes that were proposed and passed at the May 2016 Annual Meeting or at the May 2021 Annual Meeting
BY-LAWS of the Attleboro Education Association (1977)
Revised May 1982, May 1985, May 1988, May 1990, May 2004, May 2009
The PRESIDENT shall preside at all meetings of the Association and of the Board; supervise all plans and affairs for the efficient work of the Association; countersign all checks drawn by the Association; submit an Annual Report at the May General Meeting; be a member ex-officio of all committees, except the Nominations and Elections Committee and perform such objectives of the Association; attend, as a voting delegate, the MTA Annual Meeting; appoint representatives to the Bristol County Educators’ Association Board of Directors; appoint members and the Chairpersons of Committees; attend 80% of all regularly scheduled School Committee Meetings, and advise the Board of Proceedings of such meetings.
* assist the President;
* serve as Chairperson of the Negotiations Team;
* attend as a voting delegate, the MTA Annual Meeting;
ARTICLE III – DUTIES OF THE 2nd VICE-PRESIDENT Amended unanimously on May 19, 2009
To better represent the Professional Rights and Responsibilities of all members the 2nd Vice-President’s position shall consist of four (4) people, to include one (1) individual representing each level (elementary, middle, and high school) and one Coordinator. It will be the duty of the Coordinator to attend as a voting delegate, the MTA Annual Meeting.
* serve as Chairperson of the Professional Rights and Responsibilities Committee;
* attend, as a voting delegate, the MTA Annual Meeting.
* conduct the correspondence of the Association;
* preserve its documents;
* provide the State Association with such information as is necessary;
* keep a full and accurate record of the minutes of all meetings of the Association;
* call Special Meetings when so directed;
* prepare and distribute, with adequate notice, the agenda for all meetings ofthe Association;
* maintain a list of Officers and the entire membership together with their addresses;
* shall be responsible for any such duties that usually devolve upon a secretary
* sign all checks and pay all bills contracted by the Association, or expenses upon receipt of sufficient documentation;
* collect all dues;
* have custody of the cash, securities and books of accounts – said books and accounts to be at all times open to inspection of the Board;
* prepare a monthly balance sheet showing the condition of the Association, including but not limited to:
o Money Market Funds
o MTA/NEA Encumbered funds
o Office Reimbursements
o Tax Liabilities
o All debits and credits;
* present a written statement of the financial condition of the Association at each Regular General Meeting and each Regular Meeting of the Board;
* deposit all Association funds in possession to the credit of the Association in the bank or banks prescribed by the Board within seven days of receipt;
* shall be bonded in such sum as the Board may determine.
* be the Chairperson of the Twenty-Five Week Club;
* maintain a master list of members;
* shall inform the Board each April of the Amount available for scholarships in order that the Board may, at that time, determine the number to be awarded, the amounts thereof, and any conditions the Board may consider appropriate; such scholarships not to total less than One Thousand Dollars ($1000).
Section 1
It shall be the duty of the BOARD to
* have entire control of the Association, except when ACTIVE MEMBERS are in session;
* determine any incidental changes in the compensation allocated for the Officers of the Association;
* determine the amount of annual dues;
* approve or reject appointments made by the President;
* fill, temporarily, any vacancies occurring with its own body or among Officers;
* take charge of the funds in the Treasury,
* direct the expenditure of the same as may be required to carry on the work of the Association;
* carry forward such measures as will best promote the efficient operation of the Association and the professional growth of its members.
Section 1b
Committee Chairpersons will be considered Members of the BOARD of the Association and shall not serve as Faculty Representatives. No Officer shall be compensated as a Chairperson of a Committee.
Section 2
The BOARD may create Committees to perform such duties as may be assigned to them and, at its discretion, may continue such Committees.
Section 3
The BOARD shall establish policies governing all Committees, provided that such policies are not inconsistent with the BY-LAWS and the CONSTITUTION.
Section 1
Members of the Committees authorized by the Board shall be appointed by the President.
Section 2
The Committees not required by these BY-LAWS, shall be subject to action by the Board, in accordance with ARTICLE VII, Section 2 of these BY-LAWS, the Chairperson of the Committees shall submit, for the approval of the BOARD, a program of the work, stating plans and objectives by October 15.
Section 3
There shall be an Auditing Committee, composed of three (3) ACTIVE MEMBERS, responsible for the annual examination of the accounts of the Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer, in accordance with ARTICLE IX, Section 5 of the CONSTITUTION. This Committee shall be appointed no later than the January Board Meeting.
Every third year, an outside or independent audit will be held. In this year, the Auditing Committee will be responsible for preparing and providing the financial records to be audited.
Section 4
There shall be a Legislative Committee, the Chairperson to be appointed by the President. This Committee shall be responsible for keeping the Association abreast of all pending legislation, on all levels, affecting education. It shall, subject to the Boards approval, make known the Associations position on such legislation by communicating same to the Legislative Branches of the State and Federal government.
Section 5
There shall be a Membership Committee, responsible for sending a letter to all new teachers, informing them of the Association’s purpose, programs, and benefits.
Section 6
There shall be a Nominations and Elections Committee, composed of three (3) members, whose responsibilities include:
* to notify each building to secure Faculty Representatives for the September election;
* to secure the agreement of these individuals; and
* to make known the names of these nominees not less than the first day of school.
It shall also be the duty of this Committee:
* to prepare and distribute the ballots;
* to count the ballots, under the supervision of the Board.
* to secure names to be proposed for delegates to the MTA Annual Meeting and the NEA Annual Meeting for the April election;
* to secure the agreement of these individuals;
* to make known the names of these nominees not less than ten (10) school days preceding the April Election;
* to prepare and distribute the ballots;
* to count the ballots, under the supervision of the Board.
* to secure names to be proposed for each Office of the Association for the May election;
* to secure the agreement of these individuals;
* to make known the names of these nominees not less than ten (10) school days preceding the Annual Election;
* to prepare and distribute the ballots;
* to count the ballots, under the supervision of the Board.
No elected officer shall be a member of the Nominating Committee.
See Article VI, Elections Section 8 for additional clarifications and restrictions of this committee
Section 7
There shall be a Professional Rights and Responsibilities Committee, chaired by the 2nd Vice President and composed of not more than seven (7) members,
* responsible for maintaining two-way communications with the Attleboro School Committee, on matters of professional concern to the Association;
* to advise the Association of local, State, and/or National issues related to professional rights and negotiations;
* to remain abreast of professional standards;
* to receive grievances from ACTIVE MEMBERS when established administrative
channels do not exist, and to forward such grievances, with suggested solutions, to the proper authorities.
At least one (1) member of this Committee along with the President should attend all regularly scheduled School Committee Meetings, and advise, along with the President, the other Committee members of the Board of Proceedings of such meetings.
(Regularly scheduled School Committee meetings are held on the first and third Mondays of the months of September through June and on the third Monday in the months of July and August. There may be exceptions to this, if a regularly scheduled meeting falls on a Monday holiday.
Section 8a
There shall be an INTERNAL PUBLIC RELATIONS Committee. This Committee shall be responsible for the effective dissemination of the accomplishments and activities of the Association. The Chairperson will be responsible for the publication of the newsletter.
Section 8b
There shall be an EXTERNAL PUBLIC RELATIONS Committee. This Committee shall bring news of the Association Activities to the attention of the public, to promote good will.
Section 9
There shall be a Social Hospitality Committee composed of not more than three (3) members, responsible for coordinating all social events planned by the Board; and to serve, with the Officers, as hosts and hostesses at social meetings of the Association. This Committee shall also be responsible for recreational activities.
Section 10
There shall be a Negotiations Committee, chaired by the 1st Vice President, responsible for meeting with and negotiating a fair and equitable professional agreement between the Attleboro Education Association, Inc. and the Attleboro School Committee.
The Negotiations Committee shall solicit suggestions from the membership prior to the commencement of Negotiations.
The Negotiations Committee Chairperson will provide the membership with periodic reports on the status of negotiations.
Section 11
There shall be a Good and Welfare Committee responsible for sending appropriate messages to members at times of illness or bereavement, according to the directions adopted by the Board;
The Chairpersons of Committees will be compensated at the rates listed below, with the approval of the President and the Board of Directors, after attending eighty percent (80%) of the called meetings, unless Chairpersons and other members of committees currently hold other offices for which they receive a stipend. In that instance, they will receive the higher of the two stipends.
Committee Compensation
Auditing $100.00
Legislation $100.00
Membership $150.00
Nominations $100.00
Public Relations (Internal) $200.00
Public Relations (External) $100.00
Hospitality/Social $100.00
Good and Welfare $100.00
Negotiations Members shall be compensated by an amount equal to their dues
The Association shall support a publication, which shall be accountable to and governed by the Board.
At the May General Meeting, the President, Treasurer and Chairpersons of Committees shall submit their Annual Reports, which shall be distributed in a packet to those members present. The publication and distribution of those reports shall be in accordance with the policy adopted by the Board.